Saturday 21 January 2012

The Splendour of the Preachers

The Splendour of the Preachers by Duncan Macpherson.

The ministry of a deacon in the Catholic Church is one of service in three areas: the Word, the Liturgy and Charity. Of these, the deacon's ministry of the Word includes proclaiming the Gospel during the Mass, preaching and teaching.

As a deacon, Duncan Macpherson shares these important roles. His experience as a preacher makes him well qualified to write this book. A review of it has been published on The Goodbookstall website, which can be read here.

The Goodbookstall website was set up 10 years ago to support Christian bookshops. It provides reviews of books published by a variety of Christian publishers but, unlike other sites, it does not provide an online retail service; it directs readers to their local Christian bookshop. This is a valuable resource for bookshops and book lovers alike.

The Splendour of the Preachers is published by ST PAULS and can be purchased here.